Key Customer Criteria

The following is Click IT Secure's selection criteria for Key Customers. At least 5 of these qualifications must be met to qualify.

1. Marquee value.

2. Centralized purchasing.

3. Many opportunities at many locations.

4. Market leader.

5. Effect on major competitors of gaining this customer.

6. Existing executive relationships.

7. Complementary technologies.

8. Reputation for loyalty to suppliers.

9. Rigorous supplier certification program.

10. Cultural "fit" between companies.

11. Compatible or complementary systems.

12. Company's solvency.

13. Quick pay.

14. Can leverage us into a new region, country, continent.

15. Acceptable acquisition cost (workable decision group).

16. Existing strategic supplier alliances.

17. Innovative, state-of-the-art practices (R&D, manufacturing, etc.).

18. Has a value-added marketing strategy.

19. Has shown a repeated willingness to outsource.

20. Potential process synergy.

21. Expertise in competencies we need (inventory management, logistics, etc.).

22. Honest in its dealings.

23. Can be a channel partner for our offering.